Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Walking Wisdom by Gotham Chopra

Yesterday, I signed up for a library card in Madison County. That was long overdue. I really don't know why it has taken me so long to go to the library. I also picked up my first audiobook, "Cinnamon Kiss," written by Walter Mosley.

I finished my first audiobook today. The name of the book was "Walking Wisdom," written by Gotham Chopra. He is the son of a "guru," Deepak Chopra. I did not know this before checking out the audiobook and downloading the audiobook from the Madison County Library. Yet, I am really glad I read the book.

Listening throughout my day, during two workouts, running errands, unpacking at my apartment, and cleaning my apartment, I have developed a new found love for audiobooks. My mind was focused on listening and the second task at hand. I was no longer thinking of all I could be doing or the problems I have going on. Amazingly, I did not wake up with a headache/migraine. I enjoyed fully my day.

Now back to the book...

Based on the relationship dogs have with humans and other dogs, this books sheds light on many profound lessons. This book was really interesting and almost made me want to consider owning a dog in my house. Mark my words...ALMOST considered.  I know my children would probably be elated, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Yet, I did learn that caressing and stroking a dog reduces your blood pressure. I found that extremely interesting.The lessons learned from the two family dogs are really profound. Applying life lessons like being please with just loving instead of being the one loved leaves an everlasting imprint on how you view your own life.

I was really intrigued by the examples and the rawness the author displayed in the various  images, describing the two family pets and the family interactions. for a clearer understanding.  I truly appreciated the emphasis and the importance of family in this book.  Even though he did not follow the similar path of his father, Deepak, his writing has a flow similar to what I would expect from his father.  I picked up "The Path to Love" by Deepak Chopra to get a clearer understanding of who his father is and his philosophy. I also followed his father on twitter.

This book is definitely a must read for pet owners, particularly dog lovers. They will truly be intrigued by this book, as well as appreciate their pets even more.

Now here is what you can do since you have read thus far!!! You can click on the link and order the book I have just shared with you. If you really enjoyed reading about this book, share this post on Twitter or Facebook. Don't forget to share you thoughts and comments below.


  1. Sounds like a good read. Glad you discovered another method of enjoying books.

  2. I am learning to really enjoy them!!! I am on a role with reading and listening. Now, all I have to do is get a new cd player for my car.


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